[乐器书籍] 英皇考级《架子鼓教材》附音频-英文版


简 介:The Raise the Bar series from Trinity College London Press has expanded, with books for drum kit having just been added.Following the successful format of previous books, the Raise the Bar: Drum Kit books showcase repertoire from past Trinity exam syllabuses. Available in three volumes - Grades 1–2, 3–5, and 6–8 - the books cover a range of styles and genres and features engaging pieces pitched at a specific difficulty level. They also feature teaching notes by James Sedge and Chris Walters, and a selection of pieces are accompanied by free, downloadable demo and/or backing tracks.


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  • 文件类型 PDF文档
  • 文件大小 1154 MB
  • 首发时间2022-10-24
  • 补发次数1
